I have not blogged for a little while as I have been busy sewing secret assignments and helping to care for my grandchildren. I was down at the farm helping my SIL care for the children while mum was in hospital recovering from the difficult birth of her latest child. It is a boy, Henry Samuel at 9pound 2 ounces and very cute as well. Above is the before photo of my daughter. She is not a big girl but tends to have large babies. Henry was the heaviest followed by Charlie at 9 pound and then Emma at 81/2 pound if I remember correctly.

Emma having a cuddle with Henry and not yet realising that he is comning home to stay.

Proud big brother Charlie with his new brother and wants to know when they can play tractors together.

Me, the proud Nanny with little Henry. He is so cute. It was lovely to care for my grandkids but I am glad that I am home now and can get back into doing the normal things in my life, like sewing and stitching and cleaning(who put that word in) and just doing nothing if I so desire. I found that being a mum even for a short time is very tiring for an old girl like me.
Cheers for now Jude