A busy week sewing to finish some quilts and a library bag for my GS who is starting kindy next term. Leonie my DD rang to ask where she would buy a library bag for Charlie as she had not seen them in the shops, Dah dont I sew, oh she forgot or this was a backway sneaky idea for me to offer to make one. I did and was happy to do so.
This morning at 8AM Charlie rang to thank me for his bag and said he really liked the cars and he also had to tell me he was going to the sheep yards to help dad and hoped I had had a good nights sleep as Papas snores and he might keep me awake.

Here is one of the 3 quilts I have finished and will be xmas gifts for my 3 DDs. They are flannel and a very simple 4 patch square next to a solid square and they have turned out very nice in my opinion.
This is the back and I had some left over squares and wanted to use them up and make the backs a little bit more interesting. I hope they like them to snuggle into when they watch TV next winter.
I wanted to show you this quilt as well. I initially made it for my GD but after I put it on the spare bed I couldnt take it off, so now all the Gkids get to sleep under it when they visit. It is Teddies garden By Libby Richardson and I really like doing stitcheries.
Here is one of the 3 quilts I have finished and will be xmas gifts for my 3 DDs. They are flannel and a very simple 4 patch square next to a solid square and they have turned out very nice in my opinion.
Bye for now and happy stitching.
There must be hundreds of hours of work in your teddies garden quilt! It is very lovely, I can see why you are attached to it!
How beautiful is that quilt with all the stitching. I think you made a good decision of keeping the quilt in your house and your Gkids can enjoy it when they visit! It's more special then ;). I also like your flannel quilt. You are very clever to start your Christmas presents early. And little Charlie sounds like a real charmer! I'm sure he was delighted with his book bag!
You have been very busy Jude and I love all your quilts you made and your little GS will be very proud to take that library bag to school :) hugs Vicki
Beautiful work Jude, I dont know how you get it all finished on time! Happy quilting Sue SA
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