After a stressful week I have spent Saturday trying out the new dress pattern I bought to make up for my GD`s. Monday I spent in Modbury hospital with my DH after he suffered an AF attack, this is where the heart beats so fast you can hardly count it. when he was stabalised and back to a normal rythm in his heart i took him home. Thursday It was my turn at the doctors and mine was all good news, so now back to normality for me. Friday and this time take DH to the heart specialist to be followed next week with a heart stress test. The dr assured my hubby all will be well but he needs to slow down a bit. .Here is side one of the dress and I really like the pockets as they have a gathered top that will keep those little treasures safe.The shoulder straps have two rows of elastic in them and this will keep the dress sitting nice.

The reverse of the dress. I have changed it a little bit and added a pocket and I am very pleased with the results. I bought the pattern from Heart `n` soul at Port Vincent last week and I can see it will become a very popular dress with the three little girls.
Bye for now Jude.
Hope your DH is feeling much better now Judy and everything is under control.
Love the little dress. You are so clever.
Cheers, Janette :)
Hi Jude, the dresses are lovely - will look cute on your little GDs
Hope all is o.k now with DH .see you next week...Heather
umm...jealous as.. they look great...
Hugs Dawn x x
Great that your DH is well and happy. I wish I had some great grandchildren, I would be making the dress.. It is so novel and pretty. Love Joy
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